russian helicopter airlines in t

11. Resident Evil 4

Terrible game, only bad people play it

10. Brrrrrrr skibbidy dop dop dop dop dop yes yes yes yes

9. Brawlhalla

only bozos lose against meme stealer

8. Resident Evil 2 Remake

Better than Resident Evil 4 ()

7. Simulator 3.0

For jake xoxoxoxo

6. Whenimechainthesuma

top text bottom text

5. Russian Helicopter Airlines in t

he congo

4. Tim Apple Gaming

He doesn't know what mac it is

3. Pogostuck

Jake's favourite

2. Cities Skylines

Shiz is bad, no morals is good.

1. Soldat

S tier game, deepest story of any game

0. Arcane Odyssey

SS tier game, best game, of any game

-1. Blox Fruits

Man can't even get dragon :skull: